
Meet Burnalong Ambassador, Heather!

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Heather Gidusko is one of Burnalong's top instructors as well as a brand ambassador. Many of our users know her from her amazing energy and effective classes, but we wanted to give you a behind-the-scenes look into one of our favorite fitness fanatics. Get to know Heather!

“Wellness means living well. It means having consistency in your daily actions and making sure those daily actions will create a long health span. Wellness means living a long healthy life free from chronic diseases and instead living a life full of vitality and love.” – Heather

I have been moving and grooving since the time I was a child, always active in dance or sports. In the mid 90s, I became certified in “Aerobics” with ACE which is now referred to as Group Fitness and also earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology and received a Minor in Dance. I have always loved moving and inspiring others to move and feel great, too. I taught as a Health and PE teacher for a number of years before becoming a proud Mom while continuing my career in the group fitness and wellness industry.

Over the past 25 years, I have attained multiple certifications and have directed many wellness programs, I have been a Master Trainer for international fitness brands as well as having created my own fitness brand “Sweat Like A Girl”.  My most current endeavor has been writing an awesome wellness book that will be published this summer which will assist women and anyone who reads it to take action in their life through self-love!

Getting Started: Mobility & Strength

If you’ve failed at sticking to a fitness routine in the past, this workout is for you! It’s slower paced but super fun! You will not only get started, but stay motivated to stick with it. 💪


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Meet Burnalong Ambassador Heather! 4

Stretch Your Body

You’ll love how this full body stretch is perfect for working on your flexibility and stretching out sore muscles.


Q) What keeps you motivated when you “just aren’t”?

A) Consistency and having a schedule for sure. But sometimes it is ok to realize that the motivation is not there and then decide it might be a sign to realign your schedule/goals or maybe you simply just need to take a rest day. One of my favorite things to do is to listen to positive motivation whether it’s from a real life coach, podcasts, Burnalong partners, or books. I drown out the noise from that mean girl inside my head with positive affirming words, and I continue to show up and take action!

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Q) What’s your favorite aspect of group fitness?

A) The sense of community. I loved it back in the 90s and still love the excitement and energy that cannot be matched by leading a group of people in physical activity! The camaraderie that occurs in a class setting is unmatchable. I love having all different levels coexisting in the same space and feeling proud of what their body can do regardless of what the person next to them is doing. I love fostering a “come as you are while not judging anyone else” attitude in the group fitness classes I instruct.

Fun Facts about Heather

Q) Are you a night owl or early bird?
A) I used to be a night owl but am now an early bird! 🐦Q) Do you prefer coffee or tea?
A) Definitely COFFEE! ☕Q) Salty or sweet?
A) Both! 🥨🍫Q) What are your “words to live by”?
A) Do your best, be kind to others and always be true to yourself. 💕Q) Who inspires you?
A) My Parents. They’ve always prioritized their fitness in their lives and still do, and they are the ones who taught me the words I live by! 🤗

Arms are Amazing

Get ready to feel the love in this 30 day Arms challenge which also infuses total body workouts. 


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Meet Burnalong Ambassador Heather! 5

YOU Sweat: Cardio & Strength

Get outside and enjoy a full body workout incorporating the basics of strength and cardio Intervals!


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