
Top 3 ways to stick to a New Year’s resolution

With a brand-new year laid out before us, most of us feel the anticipation and hope of yet to be written new chapters of our lives. At this time of the year, we have a chance to reflect and decide how we want to approach this new year. For example, how do we want to show up for ourselves and those we love? It’s a time to set new goals and plans.

Many of us choose to start the new year off with some new habits that we want to incorporate into our routines or even a specific intention to focus on throughout the coming months.

Studies show that about 80% of those who set new year’s resolutions quit their new habit by February each year. According to Strava, the second Friday in January is the dropout day for many who set exercise goals for the new year.

At the beginning of 2021, the most popular new year’s resolution was to exercise more and improve fitness. Forty-eight percent of resolution makers set a goal to lose weight, and 39% resolved to improve their diets. This year will be no different, however, we want this to be the year that each person can approach resolutions a little differently.

We want to help you support your employees with setting and keeping healthy new habits this year. Goals that will extend beyond the initial push in January. That is why we asked our more than 2,500 credentialed health and wellness instructors to weigh in on the most effective ways to stick to a new healthy habit. Read on to learn their suggestions.

Start small and manageable

Don’t try to tackle a massive goal without first creating small, manageable steps to reach it. The only way to eat a whale is one bite at a time. Sixty-six percent of Burnalong instructors recommend setting small and manageable goals as the most effective way to stick with a new habit.

It’s great to have a big, audacious goal. However, when your goal is so big that reaching it means your goal date is too far in the future, it’s easy to become distracted and get off track on your way.

You need to set smaller stepping stones along the way to your big goal. Studies have shown that the key to success is taking action and making a little daily progress.

When you set small goals, you reduce your self-imposed resistance. When you reach a small goal, you increase your confidence and gain momentum.

Taking daily action to reach small goals also helps you create solid, lasting habits that you will need to reach your bigger goals.

Write down your goals and make them visible

When setting a new goal, be intentional. Think about what you want to accomplish, and once you’ve broken down the goal into manageable smaller goals, make sure to write them down.

Studies show that you are forty-two percent more likely to achieve your goals when you write them down. When you write them down, make sure they are concrete and specific.

Studies in neuroscience also show that writing down your goals is crucial to reaching them. Those who describe their goals in great detail are much more likely to achieve them.

But don’t stop there, be sure once they are written down, they are visible for you to see several times a day. Forty-six percent of Burnalong instructors recommended making your goals visible to make them stick.

Put your written goals on your phone, your mirror, the refrigerator door, and anywhere else you can think of so you will be reminded of them often. What you think about, you bring about, so make sure you’re reminding yourself to think about your goals often.

Celebrate small wins as you go

Don’t wait until you’ve achieved that big, ultimate goal to celebrate. Celebrate all the smaller goals that you’ve needed to reach along the way. Recognizing and celebrating your progress is crucial to motivation and continued forward progress.

Forty-four percent of Burnalong instructors recommend celebrating small wins along the way as key to reaching your ultimate goals.

Experts agree that setting, achieving, and celebrating small wins increases motivation and builds momentum. It’s also important to remember that these small wins are adding up and consistent progress is a surefire way to reach your goals.

How do healthy habits and wellness help companies?

Burnalong is committed to helping your employees choose, set, and stick to healthy habits in the new year by:

  • Surveying our instructors for the best advice on how each employee can reach their goals.
  • Offering an inclusive six-week challenge and encouraging our members to log in daily for 21 days over the course of the challenge.
  • Posting instructors’ advice on social media and other online platforms for constant encouragement.
  • Creating custom programs designed to support new habits and goals in the new year.

At Burnalong, we want you to know that you and your employees are not alone setting and achieving your goals. We are here to support you all as you create a culture of wellness in this new year.

Businesses are positively impacted when their employees are healthier. Healthier employees are more productive, engaged, and more innovative. Plus, when your employees and their dependents focus on healthy habits, it can lead to reduced healthcare costs, help manage chronic conditions without costly medications, and improve overall employee wellbeing.

Eighty percent of businesses with more than 50 employees now have some link to a corporate wellness program. Companies know that healthy employees can lead to a healthier business. In fact, wellness programs have been shown to reduce absenteeism and improve employees’ quality of work. These benefits help increase profits. According to VantageFit, studies have shown that for every $1 spent on a corporate wellness program, the company saved $3.27.

To learn more about the challenge or how Burnalong can support you and your employees, schedule a quick call with us.


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